Mareda sub-committees
In order for our organization to be successful and serve all of us in catechetical ministry, we need the help of all of our members. As one of our former Board members is fond of saying, "Many hands make a light load." We all have a lot on our plate, including the Board, but if we each contribute in one small way it will go a long way to making everything we do as Mareda members, and catechetical leaders, more meaningful and fruitful in bringing the Gospel to those we serve and beyond.
Please prayerfully consider becoming a part of one of the several sub-committees of the Mareda Board. Being part of the sub-committee is a great way to not only contribute but also to meet new people, network with others and maybe learn a new skill! Most of the sub-committees have limited meetings (most of the work can be done via email) and only take place in certain parts of the year. For more information on any of the sub-committees, contact the Board liaison listed.
Currently, we are looking for people to share their gifts on the following sub-committees:
Please prayerfully consider becoming a part of one of the several sub-committees of the Mareda Board. Being part of the sub-committee is a great way to not only contribute but also to meet new people, network with others and maybe learn a new skill! Most of the sub-committees have limited meetings (most of the work can be done via email) and only take place in certain parts of the year. For more information on any of the sub-committees, contact the Board liaison listed.
Currently, we are looking for people to share their gifts on the following sub-committees:
- Program Committee - help plan next year's Mareda programming/events.
- Nomination Committee - assists in contacting nominees to the Board and planning the discernment.
- Awards Committee - help revive Mareda awards and accept nominations for awards for outstanding Catechetical Leader and outstanding support person (catechist, secretary etc.) to mirror awards granted by WDREF. We would also like to revive recognition awards for those retiring from ministry as well as those entering the field.
- Retreat - assist in planning the logistical and community building aspects of the bi-annual Mareda retreat. If a retreat facilitator or site for the retreat is not in place, the committee would contribute their input and/or plan those components.